Crispy on the floor,
Moist & chewy on the top
밀가루 소화 힘들면
진짜 힘든데요~
밀가루가 몸에 육식보다 더 안좋거든요.
요즘은 빵도 글루텐프리 제품 온라인에 구매해서 먹고 있어서 제빵도 직접할려구요~
중국 음식들 짜장면, 짬뽕, 만두 조차도 먹고 나면 불편할 때가 있거든요~
유튜브 매뉴 검색하다 감자만 사용한 도우로 피자 만드는걸 보고 오늘 바로 해봤는데 진짜
감자를 아주 가늘게 채 쳐서 얇게 굽다가 피자 치즈 뿌려서 완성^^
Wow, good news.
If it's hard to digest flour,
It's really hard.
Flour is worse for your body than meat.
I've been buying gluten-free bread online, so I'm going to bake myself.
Chinese food... There are times when it's uncomfortable after eating jajangmyeon, jjamppong, and dumplings as well.
I was searching for some recipes on Youtube and I saw to making pizza with potato dough.
I just tried and it is so yummy :)
You can slice the potatoes thinly and sprinkle pizza cheese on it. ^^
Potatoes, olives, garlic, mozzarella pizza.
감자 이렇게 가늘게 채쳐서 준비
Prepare potatoes by dipping them in thin slices
반만 마늘이랑 올리브 톱핑 썼어요.
For half, some garlic and olive topping.
요렇게 프라이팬에 5분만에 완성~
꿀 준비해서 딥핑해서 드세요~
I finished it on the frying pan in five minutes.
Prepare honey and dip it in.~~~
크게 두번째 만든 작품 ㅎㅎ
My second one which become bigger
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